William W. (Mac) Brazel
Occupation: Rancher

Brazel is reported to have found the debris on either June 14 or July 3.

Walter Haut
Occupation: Millitary, Army Air Force, then ranked Second Lieutenant.
Base press officer for the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell AAF

Released a press release authorized by Colonel William Blanchard

Jesse Marcel
Occupation: Millitary, Army Air Force, then ranked Major

The senior officer of two men sent by then Col. Willam Blanchard to the crash site

Sheridan Cavitt
Occupation: Millitary, Army Air Force, then ranked Captain

The junior officer of two men sent by then Col. Willam Blanchard to the crash site

James Bond Johnson
Occupation: Photographer
Took photographs of the wreckage in the office of General Roger M. Ramey
Roger M. Ramey
Occupation: Millitary:
Robert E. Smith